However, due to the short distance between two cavities, the work of soldering was much more difficult than thought. Unfortunately, some wires were soldered together in the board which resulted in the
wrong result in this project. Thus, students abandoned soldering the circuit in the soldering board, and tried to wire the circuit on the bread board. So, in the afternoon of this Friday, one student hammered at considering the appropriate code for the Arduino board, while another two students wired the circuit in the bread board. After around one hours, the final product was wired successfully and it was shown in the follow figure.
It could be seen that every LED has four pins, and the longest one was connected to the GND, while the other pins (red green blue) was connected to the 5V with a resistor of 330 ohm (high voltage). And the detail information of LED driver has been explained in the week three blog, and the pins in the LED driver were connected to the corresponding locations in the Arduino board. And every infrared sensor utilized three pins with one was connected to the GND, one was connected to the high voltage and one was wired to the output pin in the Arduino board.
After the model was accomplished, the students would analyze the circuit with program processor in the later time and wrote the report as well.