In first week. three students of this Yr2 project group met together in lab room and got the experiment materials (30 Leds and an ARM board) form the lab technicians. Before the meeting, one group student had read the FRDM-KL46Z user's
manual and was familiar with the hardware and software of FRDM-KL46Z.
This device is form-factor compatible with the Ardunio R3 pin layout. The on-board interfaces includes a 4 digit segment LCD, a 3-axis digital accelerometer, magnetometer capacitive touch slider, and ambient light sensor. And two Figuress about the FRDM-KL46Z were provided in the follow:

The OpenSDA is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and bug communication between a USB host and an embedded target processor.
And for the software section, we need to get start with mbed with connecting the microcontroller to a PC and click the MBED.HTM link to get logged in. Then, students will be familiar with the basic program of this ARM board. Meanwhile, students can download a program by saving a program binary (.bin) to the FRDM Platform and pressing the reset button and then starting this program in the board.
Because this is the first week job, and students are not sure with many issues about how to connect the software and hardware together to make them as an entirely. And students are trying to draw the circuit diagram for their design.
Maybe next week, students can build the basic circuit and write a basic code to drive the LED.